PRP Injections as Preventative Medicine

PRP Injections as Preventative Medicine

Doctors signing up for one of our stem cell or PRP therapy training courses tend to think of the regenerative medicine procedures we teach as reactive treatments. That is to say they will go to treat patients already suffering from musculoskeletal injuries or chronic...
Finer Points of PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

Finer Points of PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

Medical science has been trying to combat various forms of hair loss for as long as most of us can remember. Back in the 1980s and 90s, it was common to see TV commercials pitching everything from hair replacement surgery to topical medications. Virtually all those...
Life after Your Stem Cell Training Course

Life after Your Stem Cell Training Course

Assuming you are a doctor, do you remember the wandering of your thoughts in the early days of your residency? You wondered what life would be like once your residency was complete. You wondered where you would go, what you would do, and how you would transition from...
Spring Is Coming – Start Thinking PRP Therapy

Spring Is Coming – Start Thinking PRP Therapy

Yes, we just finished up the annual Christmas and New Year’s holidays. But now is the time to start preparing for spring. It will not be long before the snow starts melting and the birds start singing. As a doctor or director of a medical clinic, you should be...